Shop for Hope!
Ventures for Hope works with nonprofits and social businesses that are creating employment opportunities for those in need globally. Many are creating jobs directly through their own social enterprises.

Our currently featured nonprofit, Nomi Network (see Give for Hope), provides jobs for survivors and women at risk of human trafficking. Every purchase you make from Nomi Network will help end modern slavery. We are featuring two of their great products below, but you can check out their full product line at

“Buy Her Bag, Not Her Body” Slogan Zip Tote
Love the message! This generous sized bag folds into a convenient sized zippered tote so you always have it on hand when you need it. Designed in New York, and made in Cambodia by victims of sex slavery. You can feel good about the materials as well – recycled rice bags and canvas.
VH Recommendation: We also own several of these! The bags work great for gym stuff, groceries or a general carry all. They are sturdy and garner lots of questions with the great message. Tell others about NOMI’s great work!
Click here for more information and to purchase from NOMI.
Artisan-made Face Masks from India
These reversible face masks are made by NOMI trained women in NOMI’s Bihar, India Production Center. One side is black cotton canvas, and the other is a fun and unique sari pattern. Sari fabrics are assorted, so each one is a surprise!
VH Recommendation: We own several of these masks and they fit great! They look good on your face (not all masks do!) and the fabrics are comfortable and great looking.
Click here for more information and to purchase from NOMI.

Ventures for Hope was launched as an “umbrella” organization to help resource nonprofits creating job opportunities in economically disadvantaged communities.
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