Building New Marketing Opportunities

Building New Marketing Opportunities (Example): Ventures for Hope designed and piloted a catalog and website featuring all nonprofit products from a number of nonprofit partners including Ten Thousand Villages, Nomi Network, Mustard Seed, One Hen, and Starfish. Since most nonprofits lack the depth of products as well as the capital and manpower to launch major marketing efforts or innovations, Ventures for Hope provided an opportunity that our partners would not have been able to do alone. While Ventures for Hope lacked the capital and manpower to sustain a catalog business (and VH’s mission was not to become a retail enterprise), the catalog pilot provided its partner organizations with high end images and marketing approaches that were later incorporated into their own strategies (for example, Ten Thousand Villages). Ventures for Hope continues to be excited about the potential for expanded shared marketing investment for businesses with a proven social component.
See our pilot catalog here.
Ventures for Hope was launched as an “umbrella” organization to help resource nonprofits creating job opportunities in economically disadvantaged communities.
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Building New Marketing Opportunities
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